A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2082

Chapter 2082


Even with their children present, she confessed, “I want to be with you, always. No more separations.”

Without words, Mark reached under the table, softly gripping her hand.

“Eat up,” he coaxed gently.

“You seem to have lost weight.”

Their meal continued in silence, the atmosphere punctuated only by their children’s quiet eating. Eventually, Mark offered, “I’ll be the provider of our family. You my dear, pursue whatever makes you happy.”

Cecilia nodded in acknowledgment.


To Edwin, it seemed his father held an air of authority.

The boy perceived that Mark treated Cecilia with tender protectiveness, akin to a guardian watching over a cherished treasure.

Three days passed with Mark in the hospital.

During this period, under Peter’s orchestration, Cecilia confronted Elaine in a grim detention facility.

The room’s stark environment was illuminated only by a thin ray of sunlight, contrasting starkly with Cecilia’s elegant, rose-hued dress.

Her graceful beauty and glowing complexion testified to her privileged upbringing.

Elaine glared at Cecilia as she entered the visiting room, her eyes seething with envy.

As she sat, the clinking of her handcuffs punctuated the tension.

Without flinching, Cecilia met her gaze.

Elaine’s voice dripped with mockery.

“Had my plan succeeded, our roles would be reversed. I would be Mrs. Evans, and you’d be the forgotten one.”

Cecilia’s response was serene.

“Life doesn’t deal in hypotheticals, Miss Shaw. Even if your scheme had worked, even if you were with child, Mark would never have chosen you.”

Anger flashed across Elaine’s features.

Cecilia’s calm demeanor persisted.

“You seduced a man without understanding him. And for that, you have my pity.”

Elaine shot back, “Your arrogance means nothing. I might be incarcerated and removed from the film, but I’m young. I still have opportunities.”

Cecilia’s voice grew soft yet resolute.

